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About us

Who we are?

PKIG is comprised of a team of specialised engineers. Thanks to many areas of reverse engineering with which we deal, practically everyone can find something that he/she is good at. We strongly believe that such an approach – based on strengths – allows us to realise our projects quickly and willingly, which translates into satisfaction of our customers who express that in the reference letter sent to us.

see references


Our team

Our idea is not to build complicated hierarchical structures. We have always been aiming at enabling our employees to participate in all stages of a project, including the technical part consisting in measurements and data analysis as well as the broadly understood project management and customer relations. However, some structures had to be developed anyway, thus each member of the team realises his/her projects based on his/her strengths. We encourage you to learn more about our team.


Krzysztof Pietroń

Manager of Photogrammetry and Scanning Department

A graduate of the Warsaw University of Technology, UAV/BVLOS operator; he has been employed with PKIG for 9 years. An experienced geodesist, project manager, trainer and panelist at trade conferences.

So far in his career he realised tens of projects in various areas of geodesy. In 2013, based on his own interests, he started working on a new unit at the company, realising projects in the scope of the then-new drone photogrammetry technology. Two years later the unit was supplemented with laser scanning and became fully independent.

Currently, Krzysztof focuses mostly on supervision of ongoing projects and acquisition of new orders. He is also responsible for the vision of the department, implementation of new technologies and solutions. He performs market analyses on an ongoing basis, searching for new customers and creating their needs; he also conducts trade trainings in the above scope. He is also a frequent guest at conferences and trade fairs.

Łukasz Laskowski

Photogrammetry and Bathymetry Specialist

A graduate of the Warsaw University of Technology and the University of Warsaw; he has been employed with PKIG for 7 years. He has a vast experience in all areas of geodesy. He is an experienced project manager and UAV/VLOS operator.

At the photogrammetry department of PKIG, Łukasz is responsible in particular for optimisation of volume measurements by means of modern photogrammetric techniques in the scope of services rendered for large warehouses and mines. Within the above activities, he also performs research in the scope of innovative aggregate density measurement techniques, creation of accurate DTM models – including also blast walls. He regularly supervises projects in the scope of broadly understood 3D laser scanning and inventory.

Additionally, for the last two years he has been working intensively on the development of bathymetric measurement technologies and their integration with other areas of geodesy.

Łukasz Krześniak - Starszy specjalista ds. fotogrametrii i inwentaryzacji architektonicznych

Łukasz Krześniak

Photogrammetry and Architectural Inventory Senior Specialist

A graduate of the Warsaw University of Technology and the University of Warsaw; he has been employed with PKIG for 6 years. An experienced geodesist and project manager. He realised many projects in the scope of 1 and 2 successfully. UAV/VLOS operator.

At our department Łukasz is responsible mainly for supervision over architectural inventories of buildings. He is the author of a modern standard which allowed to combine geodetic measurement standards based on high accuracy with architectural standards where high quality of drawings with relevant symbols is required. Since the very beginning he has been consistently implementing 3D inventories based on BIM technology, both at PKIG and at our customers.

Currently, he works on continuous implementation of BIM technology at PKIG and he also explores underground measurement techniques based on georadars.

Ewelina Wasilewska

Specjalista ds. inwentaryzacji architektonicznych i fotogrametrii

Absolwentka Uniwersytetu Warmińsko – Mazurskiego, w PKIG pracuje od 2 lat.
Ewelina posiada bogate doświadczenie w zakresie geodezji klasycznej, które okazuje się nieocenione w naszym dziale. Cieszy ją każde powierzone zadanie, nieważne czy dotyczy prac terenowych czy kameralnych. W PKIG szybko wyspecjalizowała się w opracowywaniu obserwacji satelitarnych z nalotów fotogrametrycznych. Konsekwentnie rozwija w sobie umiejętności z szeroko rozumianych Systemów Informacji Geograficznej. Ponadto Ewelina ze względu na swoje usposobienie pełni niejako funkcję Chief Hapinness Officera w zespole :).

Monika Krukowska

Specjalista ds. inwentaryzacji architektonicznych i fotogrametrii

Absolwentka Politechniki Warszawskiej, pracuje z nami od niemal dwóch lat.
Monika wniosła do firmy szeroki bagaż doświadczeń w sporządzaniu profesjonalnej dokumentacji CAD z inwentaryzacji architektonicznych budynków oraz digitalizacji. Obecnie ciągle poszerza swoje horyzonty i pełni funkcję w pełni samodzielnego specjalisty od sporządzania dokumentacji 2D. Równocześnie, wspólnie z resztą zespołu aktywnie pracuje nad ciągłym wdrażaniem BIM w firmie. Jest także ekspertem od nietypowych opracowań z zakresu fotogrametrii bliskiego zasięgu.

Paweł Hawryluk

Specjalista ds. BIM

Absolwent Politechniki Warszawskiej, w PKIG od 1 roku
Paweł w naszym zespole prowadzi i rozwija komórkę ds.BIM. Posiada bardzo duże doświadczenie modelowo – projektowe, na bieżąco prowadzi szkolenia wewnętrzne i zewnętrzne. Entuzjasta nowych technologii, stara się budować workflow w oparciu o automatyzację i optymalizację procesów. Jest odpowiedzialny przede wszystkim za inwentaryzację wielobranżowe i tworzenie modeli „as build” w technologii – Scan 2 BIM.


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